Any little bit helps.  Running a successful political campaign is not easy nor is it cheap.  Your donation will go a long way toward helping me achieve my goals which include to keep Cibolo safe, historic, & a great place for us to raise our children.

Many people don’t know this, but Cibolo City Council members do not receive any salary or compensation whatsoever.  I ran for City Council to represent the interests of my friends & neighbors in District 5 because I care about all of our priorities & want to help make a difference.  I certainly didn’t run for office for financial gain, every dollar I have spent on my campaign came from my savings account & I am happy to spend the money it takes to run a successful campaign to get re-elected & serve the homeowners in my district.

If you want to help out & contribute to my campaign, please select the campaign contribution amount in the chart below that you are most comfortable making.  After choosing your monetary contribution amount & clicking on the Donate button, you will be automatically directed to my PayPal page.  If you have a PayPal account, please log into your account to complete your donation.  If you do not have a PayPal account, you can use your credit or bank card to make your contribution to my campaign.

Thank you very much for your donation & together we will keep Cibolo on track to truly become the City of Choice for all Cibolo families & business owners.